FSCJ Services Alert

We are currently experiencing performance issues with logins to FSCJ Applications and Services. OneLogin is currently working to restore normal performance levels. This includes myFSCJ and Canvas for students.

Mission Banner

Mission Statement

Florida State College at Jacksonville provides an equitable, high quality, success-driven learning experience for our diverse community of students.

Vision Statement

To promote intellectual growth for life-long learning, advance the economic mobility of our students and transform the communities we serve.

Core Values (iRISE)

Respect for All Served by FSCJ
Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Service

The College's Mission, Vision and Values were approved by the Board of Trustees, November 9, 2021.

Student Success at FSCJ

FSCJ is dedicated to the idea that anyone can thrive in a supportive environment that promotes lifelong learning.

We believe student success includes:

Success is likely at FSCJ when we:

Mastering skills + gaining knowledge 
Developing intellectually + emotionally 
Engaging academically, socially + civically
Setting + achieving goals (achievable and aspirational)
Seeking help + accessing resources
Demonstrating responsibility, resiliency + adaptability
Appreciating all people + perspectives
Developing a sense of identity + purpose
Support students in all aspects of their development + education 
Provide safe, effective and respectful student-focused environments and interactions 
Promote and support excellence in teaching + learning
Recognize and respect the needs of all students
Make teaching + learning accessible to all
Facilitate identification of clear goals, learning pathways + opportunities for engagement

FSCJ wants every student to make steady academic progress and graduate on time, but we recognize that success does not look the same for every student.

There are different pathways to success.


  • Make progress toward and achieve goals
  • Take advantage of learning opportunities and College resources
  • Chart a unique course and plan for the future
  • Assume responsibility for behaviors and academic outcomes

Equity: FSCJ believes that equity mindedness means meeting all students where they are so they can be successful

FSCJ believes being equity-minded entails:

  • Willingness to explore data in review of student outcomes to ensure that all students are being supported to reach their fullest potential
  • Respect for aspirations and struggles of students who have not been well served by education
  • Understanding the fairness of allocating college resources to address equity and its challenges.

Equity is likely at FSCJ when we:

  • Are knowledgeable about our student population. (Professional development)
  • Willingly engage in frank conversations about the needs of students and openness to addressing the outcomes.
  • Use qualitative and quantitative information to make decisions regarding how to support students.
  • Provide academic and student support in the variety of ways needed to address our students' needs in preparation for higher education.
  • Allocate resources to support all students’ success.
  • Empower our students to achieve success as described in our student success statement/definition.
  • Recognize that digital literacy is important to access and equity.

FSCJ is committed to ensuring that all students have an equitable opportunity to achieve their educational potential and goal(s).